Coach Playbook: Advice from an Executive Function Coach

How can I stop procrastinating?

Written by Sean Potts | Feb 2, 2022 4:19:25 PM

I've been trying to make changes in my week to be more productive , but no matter how hard I try, I always seem to procrastinate on my goals. I've watched some videos and read up on ideas to stop, but a lot of the advice has been hard to implement. What strategies to overcome procrastination actually work? 

First of all, I hope you know how common this challenge is - of all the Executive Function challenges we experience, procrastination is easily the most widespread. Even the most successful people in the world struggle to initiate particularly difficult or "boring" tasks. The first step in overcoming procrastination is having the awareness that what you're currently doing isn't working, so congrats on already taking one step in the right direction. Here are the five strategies for overcoming procrastination that our coaches usually use with adults. 

1. Buddy Up

One of the most difficult parts of starting something you’ve been putting off is the feeling that you have to tackle it alone. Buddying up with a friend, coworker, or partner who also needs to get some work done is an excellent way to get over that initial barrier. Whether virtual or across the table, getting started is so much easier when you have some company.

2. Count it Down

Another difficult component of starting something is the transition away from a more preferred activity (and yes, that includes scrolling TikTok or Reddit.) One great way to smooth out the transition to work time is by setting a timer for 15 minutes to help gradually set the stage for whatever you need to get done. This both gives some extra time for whatever you were enjoying, and also provides an opportunity to get in the zone by using that time to grab food or materials you need. 

3. Pair it Up

Just the idea of having to do work can fill you with dread, so finding things that you enjoy to incorporate into the process can shift the association and resistance you feel initially. A pet curled up by your side, a specific snack ready to go, or a nice playlist of chill music going on in the background (like this lo-fi one I’m listening to now) are all awesome ways to reduce the urge to avoid whatever you need to get done. 

4. Plan it Out 

Sometimes, getting started can feel impossible because there’s no plan for how to approach it all. But when there’s a way, there’s a will! Before starting whatever you need to get done, sit down and think through what needs to be done without the pressure of actually doing it yet, as well as what can wait for another day. Then map out when in your day you’re going to do it, including how long it will take and when you’ll take breaks throughout (and yes, breaks are important!) Creating a game plan for what to do and when, while also setting aside what can wait and when you’ll reward yourself with a break makes getting started infinitely easier. 

5. Ramp it Up

When the to-do list is particularly long, it feels easier to avoid the whole thing. However, this just makes things so much worse in the long run. Luckily, you don’t have to jump into the hardest thing all at once in a single work-binge. Instead, try to do the simplest tasks first to get into the work groove. Sending an email, getting organized, or mapping out your morning are some examples of easy, productive things you can do to get the ball rolling and make the rest of the work a bit easier. 

The Takeaway 

Procrastination is a sneaky habit that can really affect all areas of your life. Hopefully, some of these strategies will get you moving and grooving towards reaching your goals. 

Check out our infographic version of these tips to share or keep on your desktop




Photo by Nubelson Fernandes on Unsplash.