5 min read

A day in the life of a healthcare professional with executive function challenges

By Justice Abbott on Apr 24, 2023 4:00:40 PM


Topics: Self Advocacy Benefits of Executive Function Coaching Developing Executive Function Skills Building better habits Work Problems Executive Dysfunction Adult Executive Functioning Help Work life Adult Executive Function Skills
6 min read

How to deal with difficult coworkers

By Justice Abbott on Oct 18, 2022 2:45:21 PM

I just started a new job, and everything's been great... except for one thing. I have one very difficult coworker. I just cannot seem to get along with this person and I find myself feeling upset just thinking about interacting with him. Do you have any advice for dealing with difficult coworkers?

Topics: Emotional Regulation Strategies Problem solving Self Advocacy Work Problems Adult Executive Functioning Help Work life Adult Executive Function Skills
1 min read

Why do I need to work on my executive function skills?

By Justice Abbott on Sep 22, 2022 9:49:14 AM

So, I get the whole executive coaching thing but I'm not an executive, yet. Why would I need to work on my executive function skills before then? When I advance in my career, then I'll need them, right?

Topics: Self-Management Skills Benefits of Executive Function Coaching adults with executive function challenges Executive Function Skills Work Problems Adult Executive Functioning Help Work life Adult Executive Function Skills executive dysfunction in adults executive coach
2 min read

Emotional dysregulation... what's that?

By Justice Abbott on May 13, 2022 10:02:47 AM

Lately, I find myself having a short fuse in situations that normally wouldn't cause me to get upset. Just the other day, I couldn't find where I left my keys and I became so frustrated that I snapped at my wife. I apologized but I felt pretty bad about it. I think these heightened emotions have something to do with my stress from work as I have a large project I'm working on. Frankly, I've been pretty overwhelmed with managing all the elements of this project. I can tell my temper is starting to affect the people around me. Is something wrong with me?

Topics: Improving Confidence Emotional Regulation Strategies work-life balance Executive Function Skills Work Problems Executive Dysfunction Emotions Adult Executive Functioning Help
2 min read

My working memory... isn't working

By Justice Abbott on Apr 28, 2022 2:13:06 PM

I feel like I have a pretty solid work-life balance but sometimes I just feel like my memory is failing me. Recently, there have been a couple of instances where I agree to plans with friends or agree to help someone out at work but then I completely forget. Of course, this leads important people in my life to feel upset with me. It's not like I'm too busy or don't want to do the thing... I just can't remember. Any advice for supporting my memory?

Topics: Planning and Prioritizing adults with executive function challenges Memory Executive Function Skills Challenges Work Problems